Do You Have Trouble Sleeping At Night Not Knowing If Your Business Could Survive a Natural Disaster, Ransomware Attack, Disgruntled Employee, Or Any Other Destructive Event?
If so, give us a call and let us show you what a comprehensive data
backup and recovery solution is: 858-605-7047
4 Questions To Consider
- When is the last time you, or your IT service provider, validated your data backup system by performing a test restore of your critical business data?
The harsh reality is that without your business data your business doesn’t exist, and yet most businesses fail to regularly test and verify their data can be recovered. Test restores should be performed regularly and documented. - Just because your backup system is sending “Success” notifications does that mean you can recover your data?
NO! There are many things that can happen to “Successful” backup jobs that prevent the recovery of data. Corruption, misconfiguration, and Cyber Threats are 3 examples. - Are your backups saved both on-site and off-site automatically?
Your backup solution must backup your data both on-site and off-site automatically. The lack of an on-site backup will cause extended downtime in the event that you must restore a large amount of data. Imagine trying to restore 500 GB from an off-site backup. This could take days or even weeks to download. The lack of off-site backups leaves you vulnerable to a site loss which can be caused by theft, fire, and ransomware. Also, rotating external USB drives as an off-site strategy is not recommended. It requires a manual process, it is frequently pushed off, and the drives themselves are susceptible to failure and theft. - Do you have the proper data retention setup for your business requirements?
Every business is different, but at minimum you should maintain a 30-day data retention on-site and the current version off-site. Overwriting your backups jobs too quickly could lead to data loss.
When you choose MLS Technology Group’s data backup and recovery services you will benefit. Here’s how:
- We handle everything for you – We supply the hardware, software, and service to ensure your systems are backed up on a regular basis to support your business requirements.
- Safeguard and defend your business – MLS Technology Group protects your data, network, and systems from hacking or virus threats so you can focus on more important issues.
- We verify backups – We regularly perform test restores for your servers and document the results in our ticketing system.
- Backups are both on-site and off-site automatically – Frequent on-site backups are run automatically. Every night the off-site backups are copied to the datacenter.
- Don’t wait long for recovery – When your network does go down and data is lost, we'll have it back for you in no time.